en - API documentation
This is the documentation for the mailflatrate API.
In order to integrate mailfatrate with 3rd-party apps or any custom apps, you can use it’s powerful API for which we also provide a PHP SDK for a quick PHP integration. The API is providing the basic operations needed for your implementation. This document will drive you through the PHP SDK.
>> Download PHP SDK here <<
1. Require the autoloader class
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../MailflatrateApi/Autoloader.php'; |
MailflatrateApi_Autoloader::register(); |
$config = new MailflatrateApi_Config(array( 'apiUrl' => 'https://app.mailflatrate.com/api', 'publicKey' => 'PUBLIC-KEY', 'privateKey' => 'PRIVATE-KEY' )); MailflatrateApi_Base::setConfig($config); |
$mfr_api = new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_Lists(); |
Create a list
$response = $mfr_api->create(array( // required 'general' => array( 'name' => 'My new list.', // required 'description' => 'This list is created via API', // required ), // required 'defaults' => array( 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email'=> 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'reply_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hello World!', ), // optional 'notifications' => array( // notification when new subscriber added 'subscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // notification when subscriber unsubscribes 'unsubscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // where to send the notifications. 'subscribe_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', 'unsubscribe_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', ), // optional, if not set customer company data will be used 'company' => array( 'name' => 'John Doe Ltd.', // required 'country' => 'United States', // required 'zone' => 'Los Angeles', // required 'address_1' => 'Fake street 123', // required 'address_2' => '', 'zone_name' => '', // when country doesn't have required zone. 'city' => 'Los Angeles', 'zip_code' => '90001', ), )); // and get the response print_r($response->body); |
Update a list
$response = $mfr_api->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', array( // required 'general' => array( 'name' => 'My new List- but updated!', // required 'description' => 'This list is created via API.', // required ), // required 'defaults' => array( 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email'=> 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'reply_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hello World!', ), // optional 'notifications' => array( // notification when new subscriber added 'subscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // notification when subscriber unsubscribes 'unsubscribe' => 'yes', // yes|no // where to send the notifications. 'subscribe_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', 'unsubscribe_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', ), // optional, if not set customer company data will be used 'company' => array( 'name' => 'John Doe Ltd.', // required 'country' => 'United States', // required 'zone' => 'Los Angeles', // required 'address_1' => 'Fake street 123, // required 'address_2' => '', 'zone_name' => '', 'city' => 'Los Angeles', 'zip_code' => '90001', ), )); // and get the response print_r($response->body); |
Delete a list
$response = $mfr_api->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Copy a list
$response = $mfr_api->copy('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get a list
$response = $mfr_api->getList('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all lists
$response = $mfr_api->getLists($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_ListFields(); |
Get all fields
$response = $mfr_api->getFields('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_ListSegments(); |
Get all segments
$response = $mfr_api->getSegments('LIST-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_ListSubscribers(); |
Create a subscriber
$response = $afr-api->create('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'EMAIL' => 'johndoe@email.com', // the confirmation email will be sent!!! Use valid email address 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe' )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Update a subscriber
$response = $mfr_api->update('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'EMAIL' => 'johndoe@email.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe Updated' )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); /*===================================================================================*/ // CREATE / UPDATE EXISTING SUBSCRIBER $response = $mfr_api->createUpdate('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'EMAIL' => 'johndoe@email.com', 'FNAME' => 'John', 'LNAME' => 'Doe Updated Second time' )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Delete a subscriber
$response = $mfr_api->delete('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); /*===================================================================================*/ // DELETE SUBSCRIBER by email address, no email is sent, delete is silent $response = $mfr_api->deleteByEmail('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'john@doe.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Search subscribers
$response = $mfr_api->emailSearch('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'johndoe@email.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); /*===================================================================================*/ // SEARCH BY EMAIL IN ALL LISTS $response = $mfr_api->emailSearchAllLists('johndoe@email.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Unsubscribe subscribers
$response = $mfr_api->unsubscribe('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); /*===================================================================================*/ $response = $mfr_api->unsubscribeByEmail('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'johndoe@email.com'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get one subscriber
$response = $mfr_api->getSubscriber('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all subscribers
$response = $mfr_api->getSubscribers('LIST-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_Campaigns(); |
Create a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->create(array( 'name' => 'My new campaign', // required 'type' => 'regular', // optional: regular or autoresponder 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'from_email' => 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'subject' => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // required 'reply_to' => 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+10 hours')), // required, this will use the timezone which customer selected 'list_uid' => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // required 'segment_uid' => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down // optional block, defaults are shown 'options' => array( 'url_tracking' => 'no', // yes | no 'json_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'xml_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text_email' => 'yes',// yes | no 'email_stats' => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done // - if autoresponder uncomment bellow: //'autoresponder_event' => 'AFTER-SUBSCRIBE', // AFTER-SUBSCRIBE or AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN //'autoresponder_time_unit' => 'hour', // minute, hour, day, week, month, year //'autoresponder_time_value' => 1, // 1 hour after event //'autoresponder_open_campaign_id' => 1, // INT id of campaign, only if event is AFTER-CAMPAIGN-OPEN, // - if this campaign is advanced recurring, you can set a cron job style frequency. // - please note that this applies only for regular campaigns. //'cronjob' => '0 0 * * *', // once a day //'cronjob_enabled' => 1, // 1 or 0 ), // required block, archive or template_uid or content => required. // the templates examples can be found here: Examples 'template' => array( //'archive' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.zip'), //'template_uid' => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', 'content' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.html'), 'inline_css' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text' => null, // leave empty to auto generate 'auto_plain_text' => 'yes', // yes | no ), )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Update a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->update('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'name' => 'My API Campaign UPDATED', // optional at update 'from_name' => 'John Doe', // optional at update 'from_email' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // optional at update 'subject' => 'Hey, i am testing the campaigns via API', // optional at update 'reply_to' => 'john.doe@doe.com', // optional at update 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 hour')), //optional at update, this will use the timezone which customer selected 'list_uid' => 'LIST-UNIQUE-ID', // optional at update 'segment_uid' => 'SEGMENT-UNIQUE-ID',// optional, only to narrow down // optional block, defaults are shown 'options' => array( 'url_tracking' => 'no', // yes | no 'json_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'xml_feed' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text_email' => 'yes',// yes | no 'email_stats' => null, // a valid email address where we should send the stats after campaign done ), // optional block at update, archive or template_uid or content => required. // the templates examples can be found here: Examples 'template' => array( //'archive' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.zip'), //'template_uid' => 'TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', 'content' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.html'), 'inline_css' => 'no', // yes | no 'plain_text' => null, // leave empty to auto generate 'auto_plain_text' => 'yes', // yes | no ), )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Delete a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->delete('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Copy a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->copy('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Pause / Unpause a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->pauseUnpause('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Mark a campaign as sent
$response = $mfr_api->markSent('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get a campaign
$response = $mfr_api->getCampaign('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all campaigns
$response = $mfr_api->getCampaigns($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Campaigns tracking
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_CampaignsTracking(); |
Track subscriber click for campaign
$response = $mfr_api->trackUrl('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', 'URL-HASH'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Track subscriber open for campaign
$response = $mfr_api->trackOpening('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Track campaign unsubscribe
$response = $mfr_api->trackUnsubscribe('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'ip_address' => '', 'user_agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_3) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.132 Safari/537.36', 'reason' => 'Reason for unsubscribe!', )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Campaigns bounces
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_CampaignBounces(); |
Create a bounce
$response = $mfr_api->create('CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'message' => 'The reason why this email bounced', // max 250 chars 'bounce_type' => 'hard', // hard, soft or internal 'subscriber_uid' => 'SUBSCRIBER-UNIQUE-ID' // 13 chars unique subscriber identifier )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all bounces
$response = $mfr_api->getBounces($campaignUid = 'CAMPAIGN-UNIQUE-ID', $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_Countries(); |
Get all countries
$response = $mfr_api->getCountries($pageNumber = 23, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get zones
$response = $mfr_api->getZones(223, $pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_Customers(); |
Create customer
$response = $mfr_api->create(array( 'customer' => array( 'first_name' => 'John', 'last_name' => 'Doe', 'email' => 'john.doe@doe.com', 'password' => 'superDuperPassword', 'timezone' => 'UTC', ), // company is optional, unless required from app settings 'company' => array( 'name' => 'John Doe LLC', 'country' => 'United States', // see the countries endpoint for available countries and their zones 'zone' => 'New York', // see the countries endpoint for available countries and their zones 'city' => 'Brooklyn', 'zip_code' => 11222, 'address_1'=> 'Some Address', 'address_2'=> 'Some Other Address', ), )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_Templates(); |
Create template
$rand = rand(); $response = $mfr_api->create(array( 'name' => 'My API template ' . $rand, 'content' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.html'), //'archive' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.zip'), 'inline_css' => 'no',// yes|no )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Update template
$response = $mfr_api->update('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID', array( 'name' => 'My API template - updated' . $rand, 'content' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.html'), //'archive' => file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template-example.zip'), 'inline_css' => 'no',// yes|no )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Delete template
$response = $mfr_api->delete('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Search template
$response = $mfr_api->searchTemplates($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10, array( 'name' => 'my template name' )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get one template
$response = $mfr_api->getTemplate('TEMPLATE-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all templates
$response = $mfr_api->getTemplates($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Transactional emails
Create the endpoint
$mfr_api= new MailflatrateApi_Endpoint_TransactionalEmails(); |
Create email
$response = $mfr_api->create(array( 'to_name' => 'John Doe', // required 'to_email' => 'johndoe@email.com', // required 'from_name' => 'Jane Doe', // required 'from_email' => 'janedoe@email.com', // optional 'reply_to_name' => 'Jane Doe', // optional 'reply_to_email' => 'janedoe@email.com', // optional 'subject' => 'This is the email subject', // required 'body' => 'Hello world!', // required 'plain_text' => 'Hello world!', // optional, will be autogenerated if missing 'send_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), // required, UTC date time in same format! )); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Delete email
$response = $mfr_api->delete('EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get one email
$response = $mfr_api->getEmail('EMAIL-UNIQUE-ID'); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Get all emails
$response = $mfr_api->getEmails($pageNumber = 1, $perPage = 10); // DISPLAY RESPONSE print_r($response->body); |
Kategorien: Informations