en - How to add SPF and DKIM into your sending domains

One of the most important things to reach the best results is, to send your campaigns with valid and existing sending domains. Most of campaigns which are sent with non existing emails will never reach  the recipient. By verifying your Sending Domain you have the permission, to send mails from our servers and IPs. So we highly recommend our users to add the SPF and DKIM records for your domain. 

Let´s see, where you can find the required details to add SPF and DKIM (=DomainKeys Identified Mail) for verifiying your sending domains:

1. Log in to your account at www.mailflatrate.com and go to "Domains -> Sending domains".
2. Click on "Create new domain" and paste your domain like example.com (not your email!).
3. After saving you will find the SPF and DKIM details for your sending domain. 

Below are a list of commonly used domain/ web-hosting sites and the instructions for adding our servers to their TXT records.


To setup SPF:
  1. Log in to your account at www.godaddy.com.
  2. Go to the Zone File Editor for the domain name you want to update.
  3. Click Add New Record. The Add DNS Record window displays.
  4. From the Record type list, select TXT (Text).
  5. Complete the following fields:
    1. TXT Name — Enter the host name for the TXT record. For example, type @ to map the record directly to your domain name. (This field is labeled Host in the TXT (Text) section of the Zone File Editor.)
    2. TXT Value — Enter the value you want to assign to the record (e.g. v=spf1 mx a ptr... ~all).
    3. TTL — Select how long the server should cache the information.
  6. Click OK.

To setup DKIM/ Domain key:
  1. Log in to your account at www.godaddy.com.
  2. Go to the Zone File Editor for the domain name you want to update.
  3. Click Add New Record. The Add DNS Record window displays.
  4. From the Record type list, select TXT (Text).
  5. Complete the following fields:
    1. TXT Name — Enter the subdomain of your host name, such as www or ftp. (e.g.  “mailer._domainkey”) (This field is labeled Host in the TXT (Text) section of the Zone File Editor.)
    2. TXT Value — Enter the value you want to assign to the record (e.g. k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSq...).
    3. TTL — Select how long the server should cache the information.
  6. Click OK.



To setup SPF & DKIM:
  1. Log in to your account at www.namecheap.com.
  2. Go to the Domain List and choose the domain name you want to update.
  3. Click on the Manage button next to your domain. 
  4. Navigate to the Advanced DNS tab from the top menu and click on the Add new record button.
  5. Select TXT Record for Type and copy/paste the complete SPF record into the value field. 
    For Host, add your domain name (example.com.) or a subdomain (ftp, for example) you need to create the TXT/SPF/DKIM record for.
  6. For DKIM select TXT Record for Type an copy/paste the complete domainkey into the value field. 
    For Host, add "mailer._domainkey".
  7. Click on Save all changes.


Kategorien: Informations